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Teleshore develops bespoke collection tray trolley to improve technician safety

In partnership with crematoria customers, Teleshore Group has designed and manufactured a solution for removing and transporting collection trays.

The bespoke metal trolley can transport up to six collection trays at a time, it is lightweight and on castors so it can be easily wheeled out of public gaze. The trolley is heat resistant and steered at hand height via a short handle to the side.

Barry Ellis, of Agecroft and Peel Green crematoria in Salford and Dave Jennings from Altrincham Crematorium, Trafford have introduced the trolleys into their crematoria and found them to be a useful tool. Barry comments:

“I think it’s brilliant to be honest and a good weight for moving around the crematorium. One of the key things is that it removes the need for the operative to be carrying hot ashes. They can simply place them in the trolley then leave them to cool before placing them in the transfer station.”

Peter Smith, Managing Director of Teleshore Group said:

“This trolley was developed in partnership with our crematoria customers to solve a problem they had identified when transporting hot ash in collection trays. Our solution facilitates transport in a safer and more user-friendly way than previous solutions.

Teleshore is committed to providing the best service for all of our crematoria customers and we welcome the opportunity to assist by developing bespoke products for our customers and solving problems with them.”